Our Committee

The people behind the club

Our committee is made up of volunteers who are all passionate about supporting our club to provide access to football to all.  We all have different backgrounds and skills but are brought together by our dedication to Gregson Lane JFC.

Paul Bolton – Chairman

I have been involved with GLJFC since 2011 and with grassroots football since 2008. Firstly, as a coach for my son’s team from U7 to U16 and then as vice-chairman for the club.
I am passionate about football, the area of Gregson Lane and providing an opportunity for all to play the game in a safe and fun environment.
My proudest moment was coaching a team throughout their Junior footballing journey (U7-U16) whilst picking up the Central Lancs Manager of the Year award in 2018.  My coaching journey and involvement with GLJFC has provided lots of laughs, some life lessons, an unfathomable amount of memories for all and unexpectedly, some lifelong friends.

Chris Lowe – Vice Chairman

I have been part of the Gregson Lane family for around 13-14 years, like most coaches, I caught the bug following my son’s games.

As my own football playing days came to an end I still had the bug and chose to get involved with my son’s team (under 10s). I think I am a better coach than a player and my son tells me so!
Fast forwarding a few years, this is now my twelfth year coaching in this club, starting @ under 10’s, and like most, helping out soon leads to taking ownership of the team.
I am extremely passionate about football, my team, and this club hence I was crazy enough to get involved on the committee.
My Roles covered in my Gregson Lane journey have been:
Fitness Coach/ Coach/Manager/ Adult & Youth Liaison Officer/ Registration Secretary/ Facilities and now Vice Chairman.
My proudest moment was being the 1st team to take a team through the Youth system and progress to Adult football.
My Passion is to inspire and grow this club to its true potential. My second passion is the Frank Thompson pitch and trying to restore this to its former glory and make it the best pitch in the Region.
I am proud to admit that I am so passionate about this club, 2 years ago I got a Gregson Lane Tattoo for my 10th year of coaching, I am not sure it’s a trend that will catch on but we will see.

John Eastham – Welfare Officer and Youth Manager

Since being young, I have always taken part in sport. I am passionate about sport. I played for cubs, my school, Preston schoolboys as a teenager and until my late twenties in the Sunday League. I studied sports science at college. I am a season ticket holder at Preston North End FC so I’m used to the highs and lows associated with football !! I am now an FA qualified coach loving my time as the youth team manager as well as one of the clubs fully qualified welfare officers, upholding the values of the club.

I got involved in coaching as my son joined the club when he was five years old and as I love football it was a natural progression to offer my support to the club and my local community. I want the players to know that they matter, grow in confidence, to believe in themselves, express themselves, playing freely on the pitch, be the best that they can be, developing their talent, representing their club and community and I care passionately that they enjoy their football experience, making friends for life and gaining valuable life experiences. Grassroots football is a chance for all who take part to feel part of something amazing making memories for life!
For success, a positive attitude is equally important as ability. If you love football, results don’t change your passion because the aim is always to improve and develop your understanding of the game.
I have made some great friends through Gregson Lane Football Club, meeting some amazing people who give their time freely and I have come to realise that people participating in grassroots football have different motivations but what’s important is that they enjoy the experience. I certainly do.

Megan Fedusio – Welfare Officer

From a young age football has always been involved in our family whether it was playing the game, supporting or general football talk.
Once I had my two children, I realised how football is a part of us and how I loved the family approach of team spirit and match days. My youngest daughter decided to take an interest and I instantly looked for a local team. My Daughter continued to play, and I could sense the welcoming atmosphere and the dedication the club gave to my daughter, this is what I feel that Gregson Lane JFC is all about.
I then decided to give something back which resulted in volunteering for the club. I have over 18 years of experience with working with children and I enjoy spending time with families and celebrating the real-life moments. I feel that that each child should be supported, encouraged and be listened to as an individual.
I am looking forward to my time at Gregson Lane JFC and continuing our Grassroots Football journey.

David Rowen – Treasurer and Junior Team Manager

My name is David Rowen, I’m 38 years old, husband to my wife Nicola and father to 4 kids and business owner of a Quantity Surveying consultancy called Atrix Consulting Limited.

For Gregson Lane JFC a team Manager and also an Executive Committe Member fulfilling the role of Club Treasurer.
My son Joseph started with Gregson Lane at the age of 5 and played with the 5 and 6’s or Tiny Feet as they are known now and has continued with the club through the ages. At the time I was a parent sat on side-line watching but I could see the then coach was struggling with the number of kids he had so I asked if he needed any help to which he said yes so I started helping out on a weekly basis.
When the kids started as U7’s and playing competitive matches the group was split in two and I took a team myself and was made U7 Black’s Manager. I’ve continued with the same team since and aim to continue with them through the older age groups!

I’m currently the Club Treasurer and have held the position for the last 2 years. I hadn’t envisaged being involved as much as I am but the position was offered following 2 years as Club Kit Manager. I very much enjoy the role as we aim to progress and grow the Club to provide the best experience we can for the kids. During my tenure I hope we can continue to grow and expand the club for boys and girls football in the future.

I held the role as Club Kit Manager for 2 years, the second year was during my first year as Club Treasurer as we had no volunteers to take on the role. Thankfully the position is now held by Paul Jackson and he continues to do a fantastic job.

Paul “Jacko” Jackson – Assistant Treasurer and Assistant Junior
Team Coach

I have been with the club since my eldest son James started playing with U7s in 21/22 season. My youngest Robert is now playing his first seasonand both are already better players than their Dad ever was! Accepting I have little to offer in footballing ability I am focusing on contributing to the longer termsuccess of GLJFC in my roles supporting our hardworking Committee members and managers.

Jerome Fitzgerald – Facilities 

Gill Newton-Gardner – Registration Secretary 

I have only been involved with the club since my son joined the U8’s at the start of 2024.  He was made really welcome and I liked the feel of the club from the start, so when I saw a Facebook post asking for people to volunteer to join the committee I stepped forward.
I was assured that most weeks my role as registration secretary would take no more than an hour of my time.  That wasn’t the case but I have really enjoyed getting involved with the club.
A highlight of my time at the club is how encouraging everyone has been, despite me being very honest about my lack of interest in football.  I have been supported to identify areas that I am able to help based on my completely non-sporting skill set.

Interested in Supporting the Club?

There are so many ways that you could help while supporting our club and local community.  If you are interested in getting more involved in the club please get in touch.


Interested in learning more about our teams, take a look at each of them on our teams page.


We have had some exciting fixtures over the years and we have captured some amazing moments.